Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Children Of Men

Children of men a movie directed by the famous director Alfonso Cuaron. A dramatic adventure that happens in London in the year 2027 follows by the following characters Clive Owen, Julianne Moore, Michael Caine, and Clare hope Ashley. In 2027 where there are no children, no future, and no hope for infertility. Is a punishment for the world where humans have been infertile for 18 years? A resistance group is protecting a young lady who managed to get pregnant. Then after the baby is born Clive Owen takes her to a safer place.


My first year in High School was a little hard because during that time my English wasn’t good enough, so I put a lot of effort and study hard every time I had my English class. So as the time past I learned the basic at least know how to defend my self, and not let anybody put me down. The most interesting thing did in High School was to participate in the soccer team, which is my passion since I was a little kid. I always wanted to be a professional soccer player. During my senior I was very excited because it was my last year as a High School student. I graduated from Desert Edge and now I keep studying so in the future I can be working in something that I enjoy.

Domestic Violence

Domestic violence can be described in all human senses, and it has been a big issue in all cultures where people get affected emotionally, mentally, and physically. People get hurt or affected in situations living below the poverty line. In some of the cases in a relationship the husband sees that he can’t afford the necessary income. That’s when Most of the males get into alcohol because their economic situation is bad, and they start touching and hurting their wives physically. This can have an emotional affect when the children see their moms get beat up and they also hear a lot of profanity, which affects their way of expressing themselves. Tasting their own blood will bring them consequences for the problems they have seen such as violence and abuse. The smell of alcohol is contagious and it will make them drink. When they grow up they are going to follow the same example they have seen in their innocence. People should not keep living in a way where they have been threatened badly. The best thing is to get out of the situation or get professional help because this will affect family members in different ways: emotionally, mentally, and physically.


The first day that I walked into the class I felt scared because I didn’t know what to expect. And I taught the class was going to be very hard. It was a little challenging because my writing is pretty bad but I did the best I can. So every student should get the grade they deserve for what they did, and what they collaborated during the semester. I should get and "A" in the class because I did all the assignments during class. I also attend every single class and I was always responsible in doing my work. I also collaborated with my classmates, and give my opinions and ideas when we worked in groups. Even tough we had different ideas we all work as a group and we came out with an answer.

Compare/ Contrast

When you compare two things you show their similarities and what they have in common. Contrasting is when you show their differences from each other. And example would be Mexico and United States.Their similarities that both are countries, have a border in between, peaceful nations, and powerful nations. Their differences are that in Mexico there is more poverty and fewer natural resources, but in united sates there are more opportunities such as better life, future, and education. In Mexico there is also more corruption, crime and violence. In USA there is less violence and their lifestyle is more controlled.


The effect of legalizing marijuana would be very bad because people will feel anxious to try marijuana a lot of teenagers will start buying marijuana and it will be more easier consume the drug. The consequences will more harmful because marijuana can have a big impact in your life such as problems with memory learning and heart attack. It also contains strong chemicals that affect the body as well as the mind. But it also affects other people from your family. You get to show them a bad example in buying and consuming the drug. The worst part is that you get addicted to a drug that will make you loose your job, get alone, dropped off school and the respect of the people that love you.

My Goals

I want to improve myself to become a better speaking person and share my knowledge and point of view with all of my classmates about different topics. That way we can help and support each other. I also want to improve my reading and learning, but get to know how to do essays or writing formats. One of the goals that I expect to accomplish is to learn new advices, opinions, and ideas. I hope to be more responsible and do all my work, homework and participate during class when is necessary. I will also like to do more group activities and presentations because that’s where you get to learn new things from someone else knowledge, but most of it I get to know other people the way they think and how they express themselves. Improving or gaining more knowledge during your education will help you in the future get pay better or work in a better job.


When we classify we put the things into groups or classes they also have something in common their categories are the same and different similarities. There is different ways in classifying things formal and informal. Formal is when something already exist and informal is something that you made of. Classifying is an everyday activity for most people. When we talk about sports, most of us make distinctions regarding soccer, swimming, etc. First, we usually divide sports into two broad groups or classes: individual sports and team sports. And we often classify sports according to seasons, and according to whether the sport is one that we play or watch. Another example would be chocolate Milky Way and snickers they both are chocolates but their ingredients are different. Milky way has caramel and snickers has peanut with caramel.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Tuesday, December 4, 2007


Humility is the pride and the estimation of one’s own importance. And is the opposite of arrogance and aggressiveness. It is also a concept that we generally were thought to perceive respect and gain knowledge. Is a value that you inherit by doing the right thing each day without being selfish and you also never try to be better or more important than others? Humility can also differ in keeping a balance with nature and the way we live. When you do something or help someone else you don’t ask for nothing back and you don’t feel superior. In one of the religions when Jesus helped the people when they were sick he didn’t ask for nothing back. People admire him because of his humility and his peaceful environment he created.